Southern Fire Wellness Retreat

Have you experienced and seen things that have shattered and scattered you and your psyche. An event that now dominates you, or at least the shadow of that event does.

Even though it happened in the past, it still runs and plagues your life now. It still stops you doing things, being the powerful person that you should be.

Imagine this is you – Standing there in your pre-event state – this is what you want. Your happy life, ideal job, great relationship, communication with your family, your abundance etc.

From this event, what has come in that is stopping you from achieving that? What word would you put on it?

For example it could be; anger, stress, anxiety, shame, fear of failure, fear of hurting people or being hurt, fear of being seen as weak, fear of acknowledging this is something wrong, fear I am broken and cannot be fixed.

Through reconnection to country with the local Cultural Custodians, sound healing, shamanic healing, kinesiology and trauma specific yoga, let your spiritual journey begin.

The Southern Fire team can help you reclaim your life and provide a body/mind maintenance toolkit to assist further growth on your journey.

Next Camp is on the 19th September 2019

Cost – $1900 pp inclusive of meals

For bookings or further information please email

A journey along the Southern coast from Contos to Boodjinup with an exploration into three modalities of Yoga and Energetic body work.

Jen and Dan will guide you through the journey of inner and outer landscapes.

Jen will hold space for you as you explore specific Yoga and Meditation practices in caves, enclaves of melaleuca trees and rock formations.
Dan will show you the way through indigenous landscape, connection to land and four directions ceremony.
Hatha Yoga is a classical yoga practice bringing balance through ones whole be-ing. An opportunity to turn inwards and rest in pure awareness. Elements of stillness and flow. 
Trauma Sensitive Yoga is a unique and specialised practice to heal emotional blockages and release trauma(s) held in the body. An embodied and empowering practice.
Yin Yoga is a practice that allows you to soften into tension, let go of what is not needed, clear and restore the mind, body and spirit. Learning to trust as we work into the fascia. 


Light lunch provided by Black Sheep – Stop off to enjoy a light lunch among the escarpment.

$295 per person

6 Positions only

For further information please email


About Southern Fire Wellness

Southern Fire Wellness is a local business in the South West of Western Australia.

We offer 1 to 5 day walks camping out along the Cape to Cape track for up to 3 people. But this is not just a walk. These walks are specified for those who suffer from depression, disconnection, PTSD, anxiety or anger issues. By using different healing modalities in combination with a physical return to country –

The outcome is extraordinary.

Audio series - Yoga For Trauma

Free 3-Part Audio Series

Download this free audio series to learn how you can heal Trauma with the power of Yoga.

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